💘 Happy Valentine's Day 2021 💘

This year I want to dedicate Saint Valentine's Day to all my friends who helped me to survive through the past twelve months. We say that Saint Valentine's Day is about love and we straight away think about romantic love. But for me the greatest love I have discovered this year is the one that my friends have shown me. This is why after discovering Canva (I told you this 2021 I wanted to elevate my picture editing skills to Kardashian level haha) I created this three postcards that I would send to tell my friends how grateful I am for their friendship.

I know you may be asking, why not celebrating it together instead of sending a virtual postcard. And the truth is many of my most important friends don't live close to me, they live in many different countries. We usually set up meetings wherever we can to see each other once a year or so but because of Coronavirus we haven't seen each other in a while. But these people have done a lot for me during this hard year and I want to let them know that they are the kind of love I want in my life.

Friendship is shown through small things. Not always via videocalls. Sometimes with little things like checking on friends on Whatsapp regularly, sending motivational Tik Tok videos, overcoming breakups together via Instagram direct messages, listening voice messages and understanding during difficult times. Being present for your people even being thousands of kilometers away.

Don't forget to say to all the people who cared about you how important they are and how much you appreciate their effort.


  1. could be true at some points.... nice post.
    Happy valentine's day

  2. Boniques paraules, m'han agradat! Feliç Sant Valentí 💖😘

  3. ¡Hola, Victòria!
    Feliz Día de San Valentín también para ti :)
    Muy lindas las postales que creaste con Canva, me encantaron las tres versiones.
    Creo que vas bien encaminada en tu propósito de elevar tus habilidades de edición de imágenes al nivel de Kardashian... ja, ja, ja.
    Un abrazo.

  4. Ten un lindo día de san valentin . Te mando un beso

  5. Hermooooso! !! Felicitaciones por tu trabajo.
    Abrazosbuhos! !!

  6. ¡Hola! Espero que pasaras un buen día :) la verdad es que con canva se crean cosas geniales.
    Besos :)

  7. Lindo post!

  8. hola
    Espero que pasases un dia muy feliz tambien tu. Me ha encantado las tres imagenes, pero me quedo con la ultima

  9. ¡Hola!

    Un poco tarde, pero Feliz San Valentín♥
    Me gustaron las imágenes …


  10. Hola guapa, espero pasaras un feliz día de San Valentin. Me han gustado mucho las postales que has realizado con Canva, mira que lo tengo descargado y aún no lo he utilizado. Feliz día. Besitossss

  11. ¡Hola! Me encantaron los diseños de las postales, muy lindos😍. Y estoy súper de acuerdo con todo lo que decís, me encantó este post💕
    ¡Espero hayas pasado un lindo 14 de febrero!💕

  12. ¡Hola, bella!
    Gracias por los lindos deseos, espero hayas tenido un lindo día :3 y bueno, vas muy bien con eso de la edición jeje.

  13. Hola n.n
    Que bonitas te han quedado las postcards :D
    Espero que hayas pasado un lindo San Valentín c:
    Nos leemos pronto, besos <3

  14. Wow, wow, wow! Very nice things to say! Lots of love for you girl!

  15. I love this post! Beautiful postcards, beautiful sentiment. When I started reading the first quote, I was like, I think this is from Sex and the City . . . and I was right! It's true that Valentine's Day is about all kinds of love but that sometimes people overlook that. You're so lucky to have such loyal friends. I hope your Valentine's Day was wonderful! :)


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