Today I am coming to talk about two novels that I read during this 2021 and I did not like because I thought they are toxic and that they do not make any good to their readers. With this post I don't want to say "Do not read these novels", what I want to express is that we have to be careful and critic with the books we read because some of them can be toxic and harmful for our mental health.
1. They are written by privileged white-middle class women and for white-middle class women. All the problems their main characters have are first world problems. "My expensive car broke down", "my maid is rude with me", "I have too much work at the office", "I don't know how to decorate my house", "I don't know what to wear on a date", "the expensive table I bought for my new house don't fit in my dining room".
2. The stories were not realistic, not even for a privileged white-middle class women's life. "All men want to sleep with me", "all men who want to sleep with me are hot", "all my friends are so nice ans have perfect lives", "I am great at my job", "everyone loves me", "my body is perfect", "my flat is perfect".
3. Their partners die at the beginning of the novel and their mourning is not even realistic. Now, I am not saying how a person has to mourn but... One of them gets angry at everyone who tries to help her and is very rude even to nice people who really want to help her. The other one gets over it after three months and is already looking for someone to have sex with.
4. They are racist and snobs. In one of the books she talks about her maid which is an immigrant from South America. They way she talks about her is hummiliating. She remmarks all the time that she comes from an upper class. She uses all the clichés that harm so much immigration that I'm not even going to name here. I felt very angry that something like that was able to be published in a book in the 2010s. In the other book the main character goes to Nepal and everything she sees is great. I am not saying that Nepal is not a beautiful country. What I mean is that it is not ok to romanticize the idea of kids playing on the street and mums working while carrying babies on their backs. We have to be realistic when talking about a country and it's socioeconomic situation Kids begging for money in the streets and mums working with their newborns on their backs is not the ideal.
5. Toxic body image. Can they please stop creating characters that talk all the time about body image, loosing weight, dieting and exercising? This things can be triggering to people who suffers from an eating disorder.
6. The stories are not even good, they are full of clichés. As I said, the books are about white women who live in a big city, have a great job which they love, make good money, have great friends, great families, great bodies, great hot dates. Their lives are shown as something perfect which is something far from reality.
Gracias, tampoco me gustarían a mi, y ahora que estoy leyendo menos no quiero perder el tiempo . Abrazos
ResponElimina¡Hola! Yo la verdad es que el tipo de historias tóxicas que leo suelen ser más de carácter adolescente, así que no puedo decir que me haya encontrado con los que describes.
ResponElimina¡Nos leemos!
Thanks so much for the reviews. Glad to be update on these novels. Hope you have a warm weekend.
ResponEliminaPor lo que nos cuentas no creo que sea un libro para mí, así que gracias por darnos tu opinión sincera.
Un saludo.
Lo dejo pasar. No es para mí.
ResponEliminaUn abrazo.
I completely agree. I have learned to spot such books a mile away and don't read them anymore!
ResponEliminaThese kinda books aren't ideal and agree with your points :-D
ResponEliminaHi! I just got to know your blog and I already liked it. I have a lot of experience with "toxic books" and I know how disappointing they are haha. I really like originality in books, and this is often a problem.
ResponEliminaKisses, could you follow my blog?
Uy me diste miedo. no he leído esos libros y no creo que lo haré. Te mando un beso
ResponEliminaA mi no m'agraden aquestes novel·les que només descriuen fets i situacions per damunt, sense expressar emocions de cap tipus; no expliquen què senten quan arriben a un lloc desconegut, quin sentiment els commou, sols diuen que hi havia això o allò.
ResponElimina¡Hola! No he leído esos libros, pero es verdad que creo que hay buenos libros que hacen rabiar al lector y tener sentimientos contradictorios, aunque es verdad que ahora mismo me gustaría leer libros más tiernos o cómicos. Un saludo.
ResponEliminaHolaa!! no he leído, ni conocía, esos libros, pero con lo que comentas creo que los dejaré pasar. Gracias por la entrada, me ha gustado mucho.
ResponEliminaeste mes pasado deje un libro con una relacion toxica, a mi me agobian y me sacan de quicio... la verdad es que te comprendo
ResponEliminaYo hasta eso ya no me he encontrado con libros tóxicos, pero también me molesta muchísimo que camuflajeen este tipo de situaciones que luego, se convierten en tópicos y a veces ni nos damos cuenta de eso.
¡Un beso!
Alguna novela así he leído, pero no me quedó en la memoria ni el nombre.
Pues... no me he encontrado con ninguno...
ResponEliminaCuales te has leído tu?
Ugh this sounds pretty bad. I agree with a lot of the points you made. Excellent post!
ResponEliminaLa verdad es que no había pensado en ello y me ha gustado tu entrada. Un beso
ResponEliminaAggggghhhh como odio las novelas tóxicas, lo peor es cuando son novelas que salieron hace poco y en una época donde este tema ya no es aceptable. Quizás puedo llegar a entender que sea tóxica si es de años atrás, donde estaba normalizado, pero dioooossssss que pesadosssssssss. En eso si soy muy crítica.
Me alegra saber que supiste diferenciar entre lo sano y lo tóxico, que hayas encontrado esas fallas porque significa que tus pensamientos se están modernizando. Que ya hay cosas que no aceptas ni en un libro.
Me encantó venir a leerte. Nos estamos leyendo, besos~
Fiorella (Pequeños momentos con los libros).
ResponEliminaNo conocía los libros que mencionas, pero tampoco me llamaban la atención.
Me gustó mucho este post, lo tendré en cuenta por si algún día se me presentan estos libros en el camino.
Hola guapa, muchas gracias por la reseña, no creo que los lea no me va mucho el tema de lo que tratan. Feliz día. Besitosss
ResponEliminaHola!! pues a veces es cierto uno se topa con historias ridículas y que no tienen nada de sentido.
ResponEliminaWow that doesn't sound realistic at all! I'm a little surprised too that we're getting books like this- you'd think we'd be over this kind of stuff by now!
ResponElimina¡Hola! Estoy totalmente de acuerdo, aunque como he leído en otro comentario la mayoría de libros tóxicos que leo son bastante adolescentes y solo tienen que ver con relaciones tóxicas. Pero sin duda si me encontrase con libros que tienen estos puntos que mencionas tampoco me gustaría leerlos y los dejaría a medias.
ResponEliminaGenial entrada.
Besos :)
Que buenas "no" recomendaciones.
ResponEliminaUn abrazo y que tengas un finde genial lleno de positividad.
Hola! No conocía estos libros, y que bueno que que los mostraste porque estoy cansada de encontrarme con relaciones tóxicas. Gracias por la info👌
ResponElimina¡Nos leemos pronto!💕
Hola Victoria!!
ResponEliminaEn lo personal muchas veces en lls libros tambien me molesta el tipo de quejas que tienen como 'No tengo que ponerme' gracias por el post, aunque estoy a favor del ejercio no en exceso pero si lo sufuciente para ser saludable, totalmente en contra de las dietas que no llevan a ningún lado.
This is a thought-provoking post. It's true that there are toxic books out there that enforce negative and unrealistic stereotypes about women -- and that if we women aren't careful, then we can become what we read. That said, I agree that protecting our mental well-being is especially important. To keep things balanced, I usually switch up my fiction; I'll read one serious book, then one silly one, then one serious one and so on. If I read too many frivolous books in a row, I start to feel hollow, just as when I read too many heavy books back to back, I begin to feel down. Of course, the best books have a mix of both elements. Whenever I stumble upon one of those, I'm always grateful! Thanks again for this post. Happy reading! :)