My thoughts on...Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty

⭐ (5/5)

I hadn't read a book like this for long time. Even if it's still a mistery novel it has nothing to do with these Agatha Christie books where a bunch of characters and their stories are presented to you with the only purpose of building a scene for a murder. The characters in this book felt real as well as their stories. You really get to empathise with them and understand their actions, share their decisions and eventually get worried when you fear one of them is going to die. 


  1. I read this one too, but after watching the HBO show. I kept thinking, no, Madeleine is a blond! But what you say is true about the characters being really fleshed out instead of just caricatures in a more classic mystery. It was interesting to see how these women's lives intersected.

  2. This really has a lot of drama. I do like this author. She is one of my favorites.


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