My thoughts on... A Monk's Guide to a Clean House and Mind by Shoukei Matsumoto

A Monk's Guide to a Clean House and Mind

⭐⭐⭐⭐  (5/5)
A nice little book, very easy and fast to read. 
The most important thing this book taught me is that cleaning your house is not a punishment but something you do to create a better space for you and the people who live in your house. 
It explains how  Shin-Buddhist monks in Japan devote their life in the temples to cleaning and maintaining the temple and the beautiful gardens. While doing this in silence they meditate. They wake up very early in the morning and while enjoying the fresh air and the quietness of a still sleeping word ,they start cleaning. They have very rigid routines and rotate with the other monks so no one gets bored. They do everything handly, in silence, so they exercise their bodies and their minds at the same time.

You can learn more about the writer and the monks' practices here.

I personally hate cleaning and tidying up but after reading this book I always try to do it from the monks' perspective and it actually helps. 
Tell me in the comments, do you use your cleaning routine as a meditation and calm time or do you do it with high volum music? 

Travel Note of Kyoto for Cherry Blossoms Part 4: Takenaka ...


  1. Un tema interessant. Netejar no és la meva passió i trobo que estaria bé llegir aquest llibre, a veure si així se m'enganxa alguna cosa de la inspiració dels monjos.
    A mi m'agrada treballar amb música que em doni marxa.
    Una salutació.

  2. Me parecen unas recomendaciones muy útiles. Limpiar la casa siempre nos parece una tarea pesada, pero puede que con la actitud adecuada lo disfrutásemos más.
    Un saludo.

  3. Parece un libro muy bueno. No soy obsesiva de la limpieza pero sí del orden y me relaja mucho ambas cosas. Quizás este libro también lo haga jajaja
    Me quedo por aquí. Un beso, guapa.

  4. Well written review and the monks concepts motivate me to clean house ~ it is our space ~ why not keep it tidy ~

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    ps. ~ Apologies for tardiness in commenting

  5. Hello,
    I leave my comment here because interested in the book you reviewed. I don't like cleaning very much but more I do it (and declutter meanwhile), the better my life becomes. :)
    The language of your blog is Catalan, isn't it? Very interesting.
    Thank you for your comment today. I can't find you among my followers but will be happy to follow you back.
    Stay safe and well!

  6. Thanks for following my book blog and leaving me comments. I have started following your blog too.

    A Monk's Guide to a Clean House and Mind by Shoukei Matsumoto sounds like a good read. Cleaning and tidying up aren't my favorite activities either, BUT I do like the philosophy behind the book " cleaning your house is not a punishment but something you do to create a better space for you and the people who live in your house."


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